Victim Assistance/Youth Protection
Victim Assistance
If you or someone you know is the victim of sexual misconduct or abuse by a member of the clergy or anyone ministering on behalf of the Church, we are here to help and listen. As part of our ongoing care for victims of sexual misconduct and abuse, we offer pastoral support and counseling.
We pledge to listen, support, investigate, and follow our policies and procedures outlined by the bishop. Please contact civil authorities and the diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, whose information is provided below.
Jodi marlin
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: (260) 399-1447
Brandy Scrogham
Human Resources Sr Specialist and Safe Environment Coordinator
Phone: (260) 969-9154
Rev. Mark Gurtner
Vicar General
Phone: (260) 422-4611
Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Attn: Rev. Mark Gurtner
P.O. Box 390 Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801
For more information, visit the diocesan Portal Care and Victim Assistance page at this link.
Youth Protection
"We pledge most solemnly to one another and to you, God's people, that we will work to our utmost for the protection of children and youth. We pledge that we will devote to this goal the resources and personnel necessary to accomplish it." - Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth People: Statement of Episcopal Commitment, USCCB, June 2002
For more information on youth protection and safe environment policies and training, visit the diocesan Youth Protection page at this link.