What Are The Approved Types and Sites Of Christian Service?
- Service that directly correlates with the Works of Mercy
- Service that supports and advances the mission of Catholic education and formation at Saint Joe, at our feeder schools and parishes, and Catholic ministries in our area.
- Service that integrates the preferential option for the poor, an important part of Catholic Social Teaching.
- Any training associated with an approved site also counts as service!
Approved Sites
- Service for these parishes and Christian churches are approved:
- These types of service done at approved Catholic parishes and Christian Churches are approved:
- Certain service done at these schools counts for service:
- These activities for service done at approved schools is approved:
- More Approved Sites
Service for these parishes and Christian churches are approved:
- Christ the King Catholic Church
- Clay Church
- Corpus Christi
- First United Methodist Church of Mishawaka
- Gospel City Church
- Granger Christian
- Holy Family
- Our Lady of Hungary
- Our Lady of the Lake (Edwardsburg)
- Queen of Peace
- Riverside Church
- River Valley Church
- Sacred Heart
- Sacred Heart Basilica and Parish (Notre Dame)
- Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Saint Adalbert
- Saint Andrews Greek Orthodox Church
- Saint Ann (Cassopolis)
- Saint Anthony
- Saint Augustine
- Saint Bavo
- Saint Casimir
- Saint Dominic (Breman)
- Saint John the Baptist
- Saint Joseph (Mishawaka)
- Saint Joseph (South Bend)
- Saint Jude
- Saint Mary of the Lake (Culver)
- Saint Mary’s (Niles)
- Saint Matthew’s Cathedral
- Saint Michael (Plymouth)
- Saint Michael's Ukrainian Byzantine Rite Catholic Church (Mishawaka)
- Saint Monica
- Saint Peter and Paul Orthodox Church
- Saint Patrick
- Saint Hedwig
- Saint Pius X
- Holy Cross
- Saint Stanislaus
- Saint Stanislaus Kostka (New Carlisle)
- Saint Therese the Little Flower
- Saint Thomas the Apostle (Elkhart)
- Saint Vincent de Paul (Elkhart)
- The Vineyard Church
For approval of Churches not on this list, contact aoross@saintjoehigh.com
These types of service done at approved Catholic parishes and Christian Churches are approved:
Assisting with catechesis or religious education for children in junior high and under.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (½ hour).
Vacation Bible School.
Lectoring, EMHCing( ½ hour of service).
MCing, altar serving, cantoring , choir, music instrumentalist, hospitality ministries like being an usher (one hour of service).
Church cleaning, maintenance, lawn work (but not if done for a for hire company).
Leadership for youth ministry directed to junior high and under (not peers).
Youth group service trips and activities (fundraising time only if for service activity or the church).
Serving at special parish events such as fairs, dinners, picnics, festivals.
Charitable church activities like food pantries, assisting the elderly, handicapped, childcare.
For approval for a Church Activity not on this list contact aoross@saintjoehigh.com
Certain service done at these schools counts for service:
Christ the King Catholic
Clay Intermediate School
Clay International Academy (K-8)
Clinton Christian (K-6th)
Coquillard Elementary
Corpus Christi
Covenant Christian
Darden Elementary
Dickinson Fine Arts
Discovery Middle School
Edison Middle School
Edwardsburg Middle School
Good Shepherd Montessori School
Granger Christian School
Grissom Intermediate School
Holy Cross
Holy Family
Jackson Intermediate
Jefferson Intermediate
John Young Middle School
LaSalle Academy
Michiana Christian School
Mishawaka Catholic
Monroe Primary
Montesorri Academy, Edison Lakes
Navarre Intermediate School
New Prairie Middle School
Our Lady of Hungary
Prairie Vista Elementary
Queen of Peace
Ring Lardner
Saint Adalbert
Saint Anthony
Saint John the Baptist
Saint Joseph (Mishawaka)
Saint Joseph(South Bend)
Saint Jude
Saint Mary’s (Niles)
Saint Matthew’s
Saint Pius X
Saint Thomas the Apostle (Elkhart)
Saint Vincent de Paul (Elkhart)
Schmucker Middle
Success Academy
The Stanley Clark School
Trinity Lutheran, Elkhart
For approval for a school not on this list contact aoross@saintjoehigh.com
These activities for service done at approved schools is approved:
After School Care
Assisting Coaching
Sports game management: scoreboard, refing, timing.
Concession stands.
Assisting with theater, musicals, band, clubs, science fairs.
Prepping/grading for teachers.
School maintenance and cleaning.
For approval for a school school activity not on this list contact aoross@saintjoehigh.com
Y-Care–bring this application, filled out and signed by parents to Deacon Andy. After school care programs at these schools:
Holy Cross Catholic School
Mishawaka Catholic School
Saint Joseph Grade School (South Bend)
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School
Saint Joseph High School
Summer sports, theater, art, tech camps for elementary and junior high students.
Lectoring, EMHCing( ½ hour of service).
MCing, altar serving, cantoring , choir, music instrumentalist, hospitality ministries like being an usher. (one hour of service).
Morning Mass or during flex (½ hour of service)
ICCL both at Saint Joe and Catholic Schools
Concessions during events at Saint Joe.
Help with Pastoral Ministry events and projects
Back to school night, Discover Saint Joe, Open House, graduation.
NHS service
Aidan's Masterpiece
CRS club
HOPE club
Peer mentor duties
Charitable events done for approved service sites by classes, teams, clubs, student government.
More Approved Sites
The following nursing homes:
For approval for a nursing facility not on this list please contact Deacon Andy at aoross@saintjoehigh.com.
- 525 Foundation
Our Lady of the Road (All students under 18 must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.)
Ronald McDonald House Charities
(Freezer Meals and decorated snack bags only according to this schedule
Direct work at the facility
Saints and Scholars Camp in the Summer at Holy Cross College
These Unity Gardens:
1441 North Michigan Street (Old Saint Joe High School Softball fields.
Women's Care Center
To work at sites and do types of service not on the approved list, please email Deacon Andy at least one week prior to doing the service at aoross@saintjoehigh.com and include the following:
Name of the organization
Type of activity that will be performed
Name of person in charge or who will be the supervisor.
Email of supervisor that is a professional email
Willingness of the person in charge to make known these opportunities to all our students at least one week in advance and for us to make known his/her contact information to our students.
Example of Things That Don't Count
- Coaching, assisting with club/travel sports that are not accessible to the poor.
- Work that benefits wealthy organizations whose membership or services are not accessible to the poor.
- Work done for monetary compensation. Example: After school care for which you are paid does not count. After school care for which you volunteer does count.
- Any work for a for profit organization, even if done for free.
- Done for family, friends, or neighbors. Your service should not at all be connected with your family's jobs, work, businesses, activities, services, or normal duties. Example: cutting your grandma’s grass is part of your familial duty.
- Any service done by taking time off of school to complete service will not count. You must have special permission given by Deacon Andy or Mrs. Baglow to use Flex Period to complete service hours.
- Work done as part of the normal functioning of your own clubs. Examples: Quiz Bowl members setting up for a tournament does not count. Science club students cleaning lab equipment does not count. Theater students participating in set construction does not count.
- Direct service or connection to a political campaign.
- Work for a program or cause whose mission is in opposition to the Catholic Church and its teachings. (Interpretation of this guideline is entirely within the purview of the pastoral ministry team.)