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Logging Christian Service Hours and Approval

  1. Go to MobileServe.  
  2. Log in using Google and your Saint Joe high email login.  
  3. Click on “Log Hours” on the home screen as you scroll down.
  4. Click on the calendar and choose the date you did the service, not the default current date.  
  5. Enter the number of hours you served.
  6. Enter Christian service if you want it to count as Christian Service..  
  7. Please explain what you did in detail! Generic statements like "I planned events" or "I did tasks" or “I helped people”  don't convey the nature of the service and won't be counted.  Explain who the supervisor is, not just naming the person.  How is this person in charge of the events?
  8. Enter the name of the supervisor and get their email address. Do not use personal emails of people.  Use professional emails.  For example, Deacon Andy’s professional email is  A personal email might be Personal emails must be explained in the description if there is no professional email.  Parents cannot verify service done for organizations they are not directly in charge of.