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Parking Passes

All student drivers must park in the student parking lots in their assigned spot with their parking tag visible. Parking passes are $65 for the year and $35 for one semester. Parents will be billed for the pass through FACTS in August, and the families will receive an email from FACTS when the fee is posted. All passes purchased before August 9 will be distributed at student orientation on August 12 or 13. Passes purchased on or after August 9 must be picked-up in the Office of Student Life. 

Parking Pass Registration


Name of Student:required
First Name
Last Name
Class Year:required
(Example: Honda, Toyota)
(Example: Civic, RAV4)
Terms of ServicerequiredI understand that the $65 parking fee will be added to my FACTS account by the end of August.
I understand that the $65 parking fee will be added to my FACTS account by the end of August.
Parent/Guardian Namerequired(As Confirmation)
First Name
Last Name
(As Confirmation)