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The Fund for Saint Joseph

Thank you to the many generous partners who demonstrate their commitment to Saint Joseph High School by building The Fund for Saint Joseph! 

sparking Joy

The Fund for Saint Joseph ensures that our school is positioned for success, and provides the resources that empower us to carry out our mission each year. The cost to provide an exceptional Catholic education is greater than tuition, and we rely on annual giving to keep tuition affordable and competitive. Contributions to the Fund for Saint Joseph benefit 100% of our students. 

The Fund for Saint Joseph supports the curriculum; faculty professional development; faith formation; technology upgrades; interscholastic athletics; operational expenses; college and career counseling; co-curricular programs, and more. As our unrestricted funds grow, so will our school. Increasing gifts to the Fund for Saint Joseph increases the school’s flexibility and capacity to dream bigger, become stronger, and pursue new opportunities. 

All gifts to the Fund for Saint Joseph may be made in honor of or in memory of someone.

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Saint Joe’s devotion to ensuring that its mission and opportunities are available to all students, regardless of financial circumstance, is more than just lip-service. It is an impactful and life altering commitment that can only occur with the financial support of this community. We can speak to that impact because Susie experienced it firsthand. When Susie’s father passed away early in her junior year, she became the beneficiary of the generosity of this community. It was the contributions of parents like you that made it possible for her to continue at Saint Joe. 

We give to the Fund for Saint Joseph to repay the generosity and experience Susie benefitted from as a student. 

~ Trevor and Susie Gasper, ‘98

To make a donation by mail, please send checks made payable to Saint Joseph High School to:

Saint Joseph High School
Office of Mission Advancement
453 N Notre Dame Ave
South Bend IN 46617

Giving Levels

Society of the Blessed Mother - $10,000 +

Society of Saint Joseph - $5,000 - $9,999

Carpenter’s Circle - $2,500-$4,999

Holy Family Circle - $1,500-$2,499

Friends of the Blue and White - $500-$1,499

Founders Club - $250 - $499

Friends of Saint Joseph - $1 - $249

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