Gift Acceptance Policy
Saint Joseph High School is a co-educational Catholic secondary school in South Bend, Indiana, in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Its mission is to transform students in heart and mind, so that they may serve God, the Church, and the world.
The Office of Mission Advancement seeks to build community, foster engagement, and ensure the financial viability of Saint Joseph High School now and for the future.
With these objectives in mind, as faithful stewards of the resources provided, and in keeping with legal and ethical standards for non-profit organizations, Saint Joseph High School abides by the following gift acceptance policy. If you have any questions related to the policy, or if you wish to make a gift that is not mentioned below, please contact the Office of Mission Advancement at (574) 233-6137 ext. 545.
Gift Acceptance Policy
General Information
Saint Joseph High School solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent with its mission as a Catholic school, and that support its core programs and special projects.
All fundraising programs and solicitations shall be conducted in a manner that does not conflict with any academic, administrative, or diocesan policies, and shall protect the interests and mission of Saint Joseph High School. Additionally, the interests of each donor shall be protected. Saint Joseph High School will not knowingly enter any arrangement which would jeopardize the donor’s interest or contradict the donor’s intent.
Donations and other forms of support will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities. Gifts shall be made to Saint Joseph High School directly (not individual faculty, staff, administrators, or students) and shall be consistent with IRS rules and regulations governing charitable gifts.
The Office of Mission Advancement, in the management and reporting of charitable contributions to Saint Joseph High School, shall abide by the standards of accounting and reporting established by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, (CASE) as well as the professional standards maintained by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).
Acceptable Gifts
Note: If you wish to make a gift that is not mentioned below, please contact the Director of Mission Advancement, Bethany Burgun, at (574) 233-6137 ext. 545 or
1. Cash
Gifts in the form of cash, checks, credit or ACH debit cards will be generally accepted. Gifts will be credited and receipted as appropriate to the legal donor.
2. Bequests and Estates
Donors interested in establishing a potential bequest should contact the Office of Mission Advancement directly.
3. Stocks and Securities
Securities traded on any recognized stock market and that are readily marketable shall be accepted by Saint Joseph High School and immediately sold. Saint Joseph High School maintains accounts with both Baird and Vanguard for this purpose.
Gifts will be recognized for the fair market value on the date the school takes possession of the security, in alignment with IRS regulations. Gifts are tax deductible. Presently, IRA accounts can be donated up to $100,000 tax free (2023).
4. Gifts in Kind
Gifts in kind may be accepted, provided that they are in keeping with the mission of the school and can be used. The donor will provide an estimated value of fair market value or opt to provide independent verification (such as an independent appraisal, an invoice or receipt).
5. Life Insurance
Saint Joseph High School will generally accept gifts of life insurance as long as the school is named as a beneficiary of the policy.
6. Matching Gifts
Saint Joseph High School accepts gifts from companies which sponsor matching gift programs for their employees. Any matching gift is used for the same purpose as the original gift unless limitations are imposed by the issuing company/foundation; or if the school’s need for that designation has already been met. In that case, the school will designate the matching gift to an area that most closely aligns with the original donor’s intent.
7. Donor Advised Funds
Gift Administration
Unless otherwise stated in writing, gifts made to Saint Joseph High School shall be considered unrestricted for accounting purposes, and shall be used to offset the annual operating budget of the program or department to which the gift is designated. Gifts given in support of the school’s programs, departments, initiatives, or operations do not accrue and shall not roll over to the following fiscal year.
Restricted Gifts:
Gifts that are solicited by the Office of Mission Advancement and intended to meet a specific need of the school, may be restricted for that specific purpose. In this case, the donor will be issued a Gift Commitment Form that outlines the nature of the gift, donor interests and confidentiality requests, any restrictions, a timeline for gift fulfillment, and any other pertinent information.
If, in the future, it becomes impractical for Saint Joseph High School to use a restricted gift for the purpose designated at the time of the initial gift agreement, Saint Joseph High School leadership may re-designate the gift to adhere as closely as possible to the original intent. This understanding is explicitly communicated in writing to donors of major gifts, restricted gifts, and endowments at the time of the gift agreement.
Saint Joseph High School maintains endowed funds at the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) as well as the Community Foundation of Saint Joseph County (CFSJC). Donors may contribute to existing endowments or establish new endowments, in consultation with the Office of Mission Advancement. The minimum initial gift to establish a new endowment is $25,000. Funds will not be endowed until the minimum threshold is met.
Donations made to establish an endowment will be transferred to the appropriate community foundation at the time the endowment is initiated. Donations made to pre-established endowed funds will be applied to the principal of the endowment on a quarterly basis, via Saint Joseph High School’s Business Office.
Fund for Saint Joseph
Gifts made to the Fund for Saint Joseph are recorded for the current fiscal year.
Pledged Gifts
Multi-Year pledges will be arranged through a Gift Commitment Form and conversation with the Office of Mission Advancement. Pledges are recorded as income received in the current fiscal year. In the event that a multi-year pledge is not paid by the end of the pledge agreement, attempts will be made to fulfill the pledge. The Director of Mission Advancement, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Operations, will determine when to write off an overdue or unpaid multi-year pledge.
In the case of pledges made by faculty and staff for the purpose of payroll withholding, any remaining pledge balance will be written off at the time the employment is terminated, or upon the written request of the employee.
Naming Guidelines
Saint Joseph High School maintains a list of naming opportunities, with minimum gift levels assigned to each opportunity. Understanding that equity in fundraising may require modifications in order to include a diverse donor pool, minimum gifts may be adjusted. Additional considerations (after a naming campaign has concluded or to honor a faculty, staff, student, or community member, etc.) may warrant a modification of the corresponding minimum gift requirement. Any modifications or adjustments will be determined by the Director of Mission Advancement in consultation with the Principal.
Donor Confidentiality
Saint Joseph High School is committed to protecting the privacy of people whose personal information is held by the school. This includes information on constituents (alumni, students, parents, donors, and potential donors) that is held by the Office of Mission Advancement. Confidential information is maintained responsibly and securely, through password-protected software. It is the responsibility of any employee, volunteer, or any other school agent who assists with or has access to a donor or potential donor’s information to protect confidentiality.
Saint Joseph High School will make every effort to recognize donors in the way they wish to be recognized. Donors who wish to remain anonymous will be recognized in the annual report as “Anonymous” and great care will be taken to maintain their anonymity.
In the case of gifts made to specific programs or departments at Saint Joseph High School, the donor’s identity will remain confidential. This is to eliminate the possibility of a conflict of interest. In the case of athletics, coaches will be informed of a gift, but the confidentiality of the donor will be maintained.
Student Fundraising
All students interested in fundraising for a Saint Joseph High School club, athletic team, co-curricular organization, or other school purpose must do so in accordance with the Student Parent Handbook and under the supervision of the Assistant Principal for Student Life and/or the Principal. Per school policy, clubs and teams are permitted one (1) fundraiser per academic year, which must be approved in advance by the Office of Student Life.
All fundraising activities soliciting the Saint Joseph High School community (parents, alumni, and donors) shall not conflict with the school’s primary fundraising efforts, and must be coordinated with the Office of Mission Advancement.