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Counseling and College Advising

The Saint Joseph High School Counselors collaborate with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the community to ensure students receive appropriate academic planning.

This academic planning includes goal-setting and decision-making in developing four-year plans as freshmen; post-secondary planning and application process via in-classroom presentations and individualized planning; education in self-assessment (learning how to identify strengths and weaknesses); college exploration and career awareness; understanding of organizational, study, and test-taking skills; and development of resumes.

Saint Joseph High School consistently graduates over 99 percent of seniors, with 98 percent of students accepted to four-year universities.

The Class of 2023 reported over $31 million in scholarships awarded towards their college education.


of seniors accepted to four-year universities

$31 million

in scholarships awarded to the Class of 2023

Support Outside the Classroom

Saint Joe Counselors provide additional support to students via:

  • Individual and small group counseling crisis intervention
  • Peer relationship and effective social skills development
  • Problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution
  • Substance abuse education and intervention
  • Multicultural and diversity awareness
  • Resource referrals


Where do Saint Joe graduates matriculate?

A sampling of where our most recent graduates are continuing their academic careers: